Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Rain and crochet cups

Let's try this first post entirely from my galaxy tab. I spend so much time on my new tablet, the only thing it can't do s making toast !!! AFter the snow, the rain strikes us, and it's far from fun, check out the picture.
I made some crocheted cups/coasters, in the idea of making stuff for the table. You can also use the cups to put sugar sachets and little things...
Premier post entièrement avec ma galaxy tab. Je passe tellement de temps avec ma nouvelle tablette qu'il n'y a que les toasts qe ca ne fait pas. La pluie attroce fait regretter la neige, comme vous pouvez voir sur la photo.
Sinon, j'ai fait des tasses au crochet pour mettre des tasses, le sucre, etc... dans le thème des décos de table...

Friday, 25 January 2013

Slowly emerging

It's been a while.... I had my not too techie granny wondering why I didn't update my blog anymore !!! Hum.... I will blame this on the January depression/hibernation I have every year. I don't worry about it anymore. There is such an escalading stress/excitement to Christmas (preparing gifts, stuff for the Christmas markets, cooking, visiting, etc...) that comes January, there's a slump.Any event or holiday seems so far away that I don't know what to make !

And I have to confess that this year, I just stopped crafting during the holidays. The Christmas markets were a bit of a downer. I didn't sell as much I as I had hoped, but that seemed to be a general trend to all people exposing this year. People expect to buy things for one or two euros. I make small things, but they take hours, days to make, so I'm not ready to give them away !!!

On the news they are talking about how much people spend less and less, but the number one gift this year is... ipads and other tablets. For kids, adults... everybody. And I won't blame them, because I got a new 7" galaxy tab, and DBF got a 10" tablet too. But the point is people seem to have bought just that for Christmas. And stuff to decorate the Christmas table maybe.

Yes, it looks like people bought table decorations, and mostly stuff that I would be caught dead before I put anything like that in my home. So it made me thinking about my tastes versus everybody else. Result: crafting freeze. Why bother making stuff that people don't want ?

So I try "no crafting" for a while. I had my new tablet, books to read... but after 3 weeks, I felt completely crazy. I tried stitching for a while, then I wanted to make granny squares, and I dug out the afghan I started in august 2011. I already had loads of square made up, so I mostly connected them so far, and it's now 7 x 7 squares. It's far from being big enough, but I ran out of the cream colour I was using ! So I will have to go for another colour, DBF calls for grey, so I'll try that....

This was a long post, so now... picture !!!


"Mais tu ne mets plus ton blog à jour !!!" Voilà ce que m'a dit ma grand mère l'autre jour. Et elle a raison. Ca fait un bail. Mais bon, c'est la dépression/hibernation de janvier, j'ai le coup tous les ans. Après la montée en puissance jusque Noël, tous les autres évènements semblent si lointains, que je ne sais plus quoi faire.

En plus les marchés de Noel ont été un peu décevants : les gens semblent avoir tous acheté des tablettes numériques (et on ne fait pas exception, j'ai une galaxy tab 7 pouces, et DBF une tablette 10 pouces), et  du coup les marchés de Noel ont moins marché. Sauf pour des trucs style déco de table que je n'achèterais pas moi -même, du coup je me demande aussi pourquoi je passerais des heurres, des jours à faire des objets que les gens s'attendent à payer un ou deux euros. Mais que devrais-je donc fabriquer alors?

D'où un blocage de créativité. Du coup j'ai passé 3 semaines au moins sans rien créer. Mais à la fin, ça me rendait folle, et j'ai repris un vieux projet, un plaid en granny squares commencé en aout 2011. Ca au moins c'est pour nous, demandé par DBF...

J'ai surtout assemblé des carrés que j'avais déjà, arrivant à 7 x 7 carrés, mais j'arrive au bout de la couleur crème !!! Je pense changer, pour du dgris à la demande de DBF. Voilà !