Saturday, 21 June 2014

Hospital for Father's day

No, my dad is fine... But I made him a special polymer clay gift for Father's day.... He collects doctors, being a doctor himself. And for his birthday in April, I made the little Fimo doctor key ring. So this time, I made a mini hospital in polymer clay on a jar. It's similar to the house I made before, but with a lid. So I filled the jar with the homemade oatmeal cookies my dad likes.


Non, mon papa va bien, mais je lui ai fait un mini hôpital pour sa collection de docteurs en fimo sur pot en verre. Et j'ai rempli avec mes biscuits à l'avoine.

Friday, 20 June 2014

more fimo stuff

This month I created quite a few little things in polymer clay.

Here is woodpick holder for Christmas

And I made charms, even a dust plug cat for phones !