Sunday 15 June 2008

Less blogging... more stitching

And voila ! Mid week I realised that I had only until today to stitch the angel in 3 weeks... Where did time go?

So I had to stitch nearly non stop for a while, because once the crosses are done, the backstitch and the beads took some time as well.

You will notice that I didn't do all the french knots, for exemple on the thimble and the dress. I just felt it looked better without... less "crowded"...

The only thing I can tell you is that whoever estimated the 3 weeks for stitching this project is a very fast stitcher, or spent like 4 hours a day stitching it. Whoever manages that amount of time stitching is lucky I guess... ;)

As I finished yesterday at 2am, all I had time after that was gather threads and fabric for the stitching fairy, because I'm still in that mood of stitching, but I might have to find something else more portable for my trip next week...

In the meantime I also sorted out my craftroom, necessary spring cleanning...

Thank you all for your kind words, I know I'm a bit remote at the moment, but.. i read your comments !

Heather, I removed my freebies from the web.. if you want a particular one, just email me !


Moins de blogging, plus de broderie !

Et c'est comme ca que le stitching angel est fini en exactement 3 semaines, comme ecrit sur le magazine. Tout ce que je peux dire est que c'est 3 semaines intensives, genre 5 heures par jour pour y arriver ! Ou alors j'ai trop traine?

Toujours est-il que en milieu de semaine j'ai decide de finir "a temps", et donc je m'y suis mise a fond...

Vous remarquerez que j'ai mis moins de points de noeuds que sur le projet initial, car l'effet "pois" de la robe, c'est pas mon truc !!!

Mon prochain projet sera le stitching fairy, j'ai deja tout ce qu'il faut pour ca !!! Donc je ne suis pas encore degoutee de Joan Elliott, mais il me faudra surement un autre projet plus "portable" pour mon voyage de la semaine prochaine...

J'ai aussi range ma craftroom... c'etait necessaire....

Chiloe, pour le meme... je n'utilise pas de produits de beautes ni de maquillage.. encore pire que toi... ;)


Chiloe said...

Super que tu ais fini !!!! Où en es tu dans ta recherche d'emploi? J'espère que tu trouveras quelque chose rapidement ;)

patternnuts said...

Awesome finish! :)
Have a geat trip!

Linda K's Stitching Corner said...

San...You did a very wonderful job on this...congratulations on another finish...good for you....

Take care & Happy Stitching

Daffycat said...

Yay! Great job on a wonderful project. Congratulations on getting it done on time!

Ginny said...

It's always nice to squeak in just under a deadline.

I could take a lesson from you - less blogging (both reading and writing) and more time stitching!

Leeland said...

She's amazing, San!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your finish and have fun on your next project. Ann.

Annie said...

She looks lovely. Feels good to finish by a deadline, doesn't it? That should be a great psychological pick-me-up!

Anonymous said...

Il est vraiment superbe! bravo pour avoir terminé dans le temps que tu t'étais imparti! je n'arrive jamais ou très très rarement à finir dans le délai que je me fixe, rhalàlà!!

Lutine said...

Et ben il est tres joli !!

Cathy said...

Looks great! I like Joan Elliotts patterns.

Kucki68 said...

The angel turned out beautifully! I am sending you good thoughts on the upcoming changes in your life.

Sandra said...

Lovely!!! Joan Elliot has such beautiful patterns, and more when they come to life from the hands of an expert.