Tuesday, 26 May 2009

A productive long week end

Here is a family picture of my latest "Sandugurumis" collection. All were made from Thursday, and during the week end. Needless to say that I didn't play video games this week end...

After the little flower girl, I made the little bee guy. I just love characters in a bee costume, all colourful...

Then DBF asked for a girl with "yarn hair" and a bikini. A real challenge ! It was the first time I inplanted hair like that. Not to mention the bathing suit !!!

And now, I'm making her a little brother so they can keep eachother company on the beach. But of course it's the week now, and with the heat and the storms, I feel apathic and uncreative. It's resting time I guess....

You might have noticed the new title (it was time to remove the fact that I live in England !!!), and Twitter on the side. I will try to put some words there everyday, so feel free to follow me !!!


Ce long week end d'Ascension a été productif, et vous pouvez voir une photo de la petite famille des "Sandugurumis".

Après la petite fille fleur, j'ai fait un petit garçon en habit d'abeille. Je ne sais pas pourquoi j'aime les personnages en costume d'abeille, ça doit être la couleur...

Après, DBF m'a donné le challenge de faire "Lorleen", la fille en bikini. Il fallait une "fille aux cheveux en laine", et c'est la première fois que j'essaye de faire des implants de laine ;)

Et maintenant je lui fais un petit frère pour aller à la plage. Malheureusement, le temps chaud et orageux m'a laissée complètement léthargique, et donc je ne crochete plus... vivement le week end prochain !

Sinon, vous avez surement dvu que j'ai installé Twitter sur le coté du blog, je vais essayer de mettre un mot chaque jour... ou plus ! Alors n'hésitez pas à me suivre !!!


Annie said...

Aren't you the clever one! A real collection of cuties. And they're small so you can make a bunch before you run out of storage space!

Anonymous said...

I did not realised that she was wearing a bikini till you showed it up close. I saw on the header and thought she was wearing a semi pink dress.

Since they are quite small, you could make into different parts of a small town. How do you feel about crocheting the shops, apartment, trees. You could even dangle the sun. San's mini town. You could have cars, taxi, bus. Let's stop here before you think I have gone completely bonkers.


p/s: Enchanted forest?

Lutine said...

Wahoo !!
Tua s drolement bien bossé !

Nathdmc said...

What a lovely little family !!!! Do you think you'll try to make some little pets with ?
Beau travail et défi original en tout cas ;-)

Pink.Canary said...

encore des petits personnages trop craquants!! bravo!!
Et jolie bannière aussi!