Ok. Since yesterday during the day, I have no access to my regular website, and I suppose you too. And it's a real annoyance, as I was going to make a great tutorial to make round ornie, and generally work on my website. And now I can't do any of this. And Blogger doesn't want to change my profile, not a happy puppy ! Ok, accepted to change my whole design, it's not so bad.
But I hate having that stupid crochet cat as a profile picture ! I might have to disable the whole thing....
Most of my Christmas trip preparations are done, I even havea new halogen lamp thanks to Argos... But I had to be in town at 9am, (after going to bed at 1am) to be there before everybody else.
So here is a picture of Winter Wonderland I finished last night. I hate working on evenweave, linen rocks ! Why? it seems I see the holes better, with evenweave I'm always afraid I would miscount. But hey, extra care makes this piece totally mistake free !!!! A miracle?
I love this piece. It ooks nothing like the original piece. Of course,I changed most of the colours... I think I should finish it as a quilted frame. A regular frame wouldn't fit in my suitcase, and just would go with DBF's decorations. So I'll have to fight with my sewing machine later today...
I see the question "what next?" coming... I started preparing "Country stitcher. city stitcher", and I had to change a few threads (am I too cheap to by more DMC colours, or is it the impression that I already have too many?). My trip project will be the Margaret Sherry cat freebie.
I also packed a Jane Greenoff mini sampler. But I have the impression I will be finished with all this before the end of my holidays, so I might add some stuff... Plus I don't want to start "Country Stitcher" now, so I think I will start the Coutry Cottage Needleworks "house with ewe" that everybody had already stitched...
As you can see, I feel like blabbing, and my website is dead, not happy ! I feel I will extend the use of my mailing list to "breakdown" migrations...