I know it might look familiar (not my fault, I suffer influences?), but I wanted something I could stitch fast. And the whole thing took me about an hour to stitch, bead and finish as mini cushion. Mission accomplished.
For those interested, I made a printable chart. Colours are what I used, but you can obviously use something else. If you stitch my mini snowman, I'd be interested in seeing what you are doing with it !!!

With all that, Snowflakes doesn't progress fast, but... I'm loosing interest a bit. Maybe I stitched too many LHN wintery scenes.
I bought World of CrossStitching this week end, as I want to stitch Charlie bear and his friend the robin. It will be a nice change of style... The rest of the mag doesn't interest me.
I still haven't packed, and in my head I think of so many things to take it's mind blowing. I guess I will have to bite the bullet and sort things out...

Hier j'ai fait un petit pique aiguilles bonhomme de neige, sur un modele fait moi-meme. Vous pouvez d'ailleurs voir la grille ici. Si vous le brodez, ce serait sympa de m'envoyer une photo !!!
J'ai aussi crochete des flocons de neige. J'aime ce genre de crochet, et c'est un bon compromis, car que ferais-je de napperons crochetes? Je n'ai pas envie que mon interieur ressemble a celui d'une grand mere !!! POurtant, j'aime la technique des napperons, les differents points etc...
Snowflakes n'avance pas vite, forcement si j'ai passe mon dimanche sur les deux premiers trucs, mais aussi je ne me sens pas motivee pour le broder. Je dois avoir fait trop de trucs similaires recemment....
J'ai achete WOCS (magazine anglais) pour le nounours et rouge gorge de la couverture. Un truc mignon avec du back stitch, ca devrait me changer un peu !!!
Je n'ai pas encore fait ma valise, mais il semblerait que mentalement j'aie prevu 40000 choses... et ca risque de pas le faire. Essayons quand meme?
Tres jolis
C'est vraiq eu le crochet c'est pas tres facile de trouver des modeles modernes, ...
souvent mes napperons au crochet, je les offres :)
Thank you for the fob pattern. I have already printed it out.
There it is!!! Too cute! Thanks for the pattern, I'll make one as well... Who could resist?
I love your snowflakes. You can make more next year, if you are tired of it now. They look great on Christmas trees, or hanging in windows during the winter.
Your houses are looking so good. You can really see that the purple variegated was a good choice, now that it's a house.
Thanks for the snowman!
Hello - this is my first comment on your journal. I really enjoy reading. :)
Just wanted to say thanks for the snowman patters - it is just adorable!
Happy holidays,
Your little Snowman fob is very cute, and I'm loving Snowflakes on that fabric. The color you changed the house to is looking great.
Thank you for the fob pattern. Pretty snowflakes!
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