Tuesday 29 January 2008

PSPete is alive !

This is PSPete, the happy little PSP console. This character is born when I made a felt mascot version of him for DBF's PSP. I also made the pixel logo you can see here on the top right, and transformed it into a cross stitch pattern.

It is stitched on plastic canvas as it's part of the Valentine stocking project, to decorate DBF's heart bag, along with the big blue "S".

I have to say working on plastic canvas is hard on my fingers. I then lost the will to stitch, started 2 new projects before giving up totally around 11pm.

After a very prolific week end, I'm sure you are expecting me to slow down a bit during the week, and you are right. Tonight is swimming night, and I uually come back very tired from it. So no much stitching. I have sore fingers, so it's good timing.

I suppose I'm a bit in limbus for the moment, waiting for Friday to start Curly Q Ewe... Of course I should focus on the Love Cats, but well, you know how it is...


Voici PSPete, la joyeuse petite PSP. J'ai cree ce personnage sous la forme d'une mascotte en feutrine pour DBF il y a environ 2 ans. Depuis j'ai fait une version pixel (celle qui est en haut a droite de cette page), et une version point de croix.

Brode sur canevas plastique, ca fait partie du projet "St Valentin", et ira decorer le sac en forme de coeur de DBF, avec son "S" bleu.

Travailler sur le canevas en plastique est dur pour les doigts. Ensuite j'ai perdu la motivation pour broder vers 11h du soir hier.

Apres un week end prolifique, il fallait s'attendre a une semaine plus calme. Et comme j'ai piscine ce soir, et les doigts en compote... c'est un bon timing.

En fait, j'attend vendredi pour commencer Curly Q Ewe, et entre deux je sais pas trop quoi faire. Je sais que je pourrais finir les Love Cats, mais ce serait trop simple....


Anonymous said...

Adorable PSPete! Plus que qqs jours à tenir pour Curly!

Unknown said...

PSP is so cute! I really liked the felt version too :-)

stitcherw said...

Pete looks cute. You've been busy, the Blue S turned out lovely (working with varigated threads is so nice), and cats is coming along well too. Plus your bag finish looks so pretty and is so practical.

Leeland said...

Well,I don't like stitching on plastic canvas...
You are tempting me with this curly Q Ewe... It'll be fun watching your progress on it.
Enjoy the swimming!
Exhausted Lili, off for a short nap (luxury...).