Yesterday evening I came down with a sore throat. In my case, it's the first sign of a "3 nights in bed" period, so on top of the pain, it's frustrating to see that happen just before the week end. Not to mention that I have to take care of my cells at work, they need daily supervision.
Anyway, yesterday I made.... an egg ! A felt egg one of course. I'm not really happy with the way it turned out. I made the rose, and the 2 weird looking leaves. I had to compensate with the rest...
And on Tuesday I made a little pincushion flower for my mom.
And, final point of the "show and tell", Terry Ann stitched my little bunny, in grey, so come have a look over here.
I have to agree with you, Pink canary, and stitcherw, Easter seems to come early, and I don't really feel like making decorations for it.

Elisabeth, I have to agree with you: the best stitching show in London is Alexandra Palace in October. The place is huge, and even if they have loads of paper, there's also loads of stitching and quilting. I was kinda sad I wasn't able to go this year because of my move ! Olympia has its charms as well. It's lead by the magazines, and they have the added bonus of having the designers there to chat with us. But it's a lot smaller than Alexandra palace... Cozy?
Oh, and the so called "discount kits" are actually more expensive than on the web !!!! So...
Generally speaking, I don't understand the latest paper craze. You spend a lot of money to make cards... or a photo album... Not to mention that a 5 years old can do it. So where is the challenge and sense of achievement? The debate is open...
Mon premier week end ou je m'attendais a faire plein de trucs, de couture et de bricolage, et vlan ! mal de gorge. Chez moi, ce'st le premier signe du gros rhume qui me colle au lit pendant 3 jours. donc en plus de la douleur, c'est frustrant !!!! Sans compter qu'au boulot mes petites cellules ont besoin de mon attention quotidienne....
Bon, hier j'ai fait... un oeuf. Je le trouve pas terrible, j'ai du compenser la grosse rose et les feuilles bizarres avec le reste. Enfin, c'est un coup d'essai... En plus, comme disent pink canary et Stitcherw, Paques arrive tot cette annee, et j'ai pas la motivation pour faire des trucs sur ce theme.
Mardi j'ai fait un pique aiguille fleur pour ma maman.
Et finalement Terry Ann a borde mon petit lapin en gris, venez voir ca !!!
Je dois dire que je suis assez envieuse de celles qui vont aller a l'Aiguille en fete ce week end a Paris... Ma derniere expo ayant ete un desastre papetier...
D'ailleurs, je me demande toujours pourquoi les trucs papiers sont tellement a la mode? Il faut acheter les elements hyper chers, pour faire des trucs qu'un gamin de 5 ans peut faire. Ou est le challenge et le sens de l'accomplissement? The debat reste ouvert...
Et bien moi, j'adore cet oeuf! Encore un joli, PAF! Si j'ai le courage de ne pas dormir pendant toutes mes vacances, je vais essayer (mais il faut que je trouve un tissu qui me plaise...)Pour les salons à Londres, que ce soi Olympia ou Alexandra Palace, j'espère pouvoir y aller l'année prochaine! Non, avec le temps qui fait n'importe quoi, je n'arrive pas à me dire que c'est bientôt le printemps et pâques...
The bullion rose on your egg is beautiful! I haven't done much with bullions (I smock, and they're often used to accent the design), although I did play around a bit with perle cotton and found they weren't as hard as I thought.
As for paper crafting, I'm not into scrapbooking, but making cards is a way for me to be artistic (I'm not a very artistic person!) and make a very personal item for the recipient. With store bought cards often costing $3.50 or more, it's much cheaper to make it myself!
I loved the pincushion flower!!! Your mother will love it!!! :) ***
très mignon le noeunoeuf!
Et la fleur qu'on pique (aïe!) est adorable...
Coucou ! Bin moi j'le trouve plutôt sympa ton 9 !!! et je vais te piquer le truc des piques-fleurs, je troouve ça super super, d'ailleurs j'ai déjà commencé à récolter les bouchons de taille différente....
Big Bizoux et remets toi vite sur pied, Nath.
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