What saved it is using a size 28 needle, so it was easier to go through the tiny holes !!!
Now I'm stitching a surprise, so, chhht !!!
L'avantage d'un rhume qui handicape le cerveau, c'est que je suis restee sur le meme projet tout le week end, et il est donc fini ! Ce qui l'a sauve c'est l'utilisation d'une aiguile 28 (tres fine), qui entrait plus facilement les mini trous.
Il faut encore coudre le coussin, mais ca ne va pas tarder.
Maintenant je brode un cadeau, alors... chhhttt
Very pretty San! The fabric might've been a Pita, but in the end it looks lovely :)
Aww this one is so cute! I;m sorry your sick, I hope you feel better soon.
Très sympa ce modèle !! cela rend très bien sur cette toile !! Biz
How cute! The choice of fabric is perfect, as always... and I understand what struggle it can be to stitch on dark fabric -in particular with the awful weather we're having. I guess you're using your daylight lamp with delight? Lol!!!
I hope you can get enough rest. Or perhaps you should apply your own advice? I have decided to start some vitamin treatment, as you advised me: they're ordered from my pharmacist's.
Big huge hugs,
Super mignon ce modéle !!! J'ai hâte de voir avec quel tissus tu vas l'assortir ??? J'suis curieuse, mais comme d'hab !!!
Félicitations et Bon rétablissement, Nath.
il est chou ce modèle! Courage pour le rhume! bisous
Very cute! I like how the colors really "pop".
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