Friday 25 July 2008

Enfin l;'ete...

Mais ca nous fait suer plus qu'autre chose, n'est-ce pas? ;)

Voici l'ange que j'ai commence mercredi soir... Ca m'a pris quasi la journee pour le faire, avec une pause broderie entre deux. Ca a aussi demande une grande quantite de fil, et je suis contente de savoir enfin cacher les debuts et fins de fils, sinon ce projet serait totalement cracra.

Donc j'ai aussi fini la partie centrale de "Home of a Needleworker", il ne manque que la bordure !!!!

J'aime bien ce projet, c'est fort different de ce que je fais d'habitude, il y a un petit air de nature et tout ca...


Here is the tatted angel I started on Wednesday. It took me most of yesterday, with just a stitching break, and loads of thread to make it. But I'm glad I now know how to hide beginnings and ends of threads. Otherwise it would have looked terrible.

I also finished the central part of "Home of a Needleworker", I just have to make the borders. I like this project, so different from usual, with nature and all....


Ginnie said...

What a cute angel. The stitching is looking fab too.

Annie said...

She's a beautiful angel. I guess practice helps with something like this. Now you have something new to buy ... pretty threads for tatting. And maybe pretty shuttles too.

Anonymous said...

Your angel is just lovely. And I love the Home of a Needleworker. Hope you have a nice day.

Nathdmc said...

Jolie travail que ta réalisation de l'ange !!!! Ta broderie aussi il va sans dire, mais j'avoue être plus admirative de la dentelle en ce moment....... va savoir pourquoi !!!!
Biz et Bon week-end, Nath.

Anonymous said...

Felicitations pour tout tes ouvrages. Ann

Anonymous said...

Wahoo c'est sympa !

Kucki68 said...

The angel looks adorable and I love how it turned out.

Veronica said...

Pretty angel and beautiful stitching. Only the borders to go now and you'll have a finish! I have this one on my to-do list too. Now if only I can add more hours into my day.

June said...

I really like all sorts of handicrafts and can knit, crochet and cross stitch, but I have not learned how to tat. Your tatting is lovely and is an inspiration to me to get some instructions of how to do it. Thanks San!

Sandra said...

Lovely angel! And the home of a needleworker is coming along just fine!

Ginny said...

"Home of a Needleworker" looks great! I think I bought the chart for that one, and seeing it up close, as opposed to the picture on the chart, makes me want to do stitch it soon!

Pike said...

These tatting-things look wonderful - I don't know how it differs from crocheting... ? Have to find out.

I noticed you are stitching Pink Fairies; I just finished it, but unfortunately didn't have time to properly frame it. Looks awfully wrinkled come and have a look, if interested:

Unknown said...

I love the little angel! Your needlework is lovely, too.