Friday 10 October 2008

More autumn stuff

This is Autumn Harvest so far. It wom't be finished before tomorrow, when Mom and I go for the long trip to Alexandra Palace.

Leaving at 6am in Lille to be there at opening time at 10am, we will be back from the UK to France in the evening. I'm tired already !!!

I hope I will enjoy the expo... I could play treasure hunt and try and find some tatting in there, but I really doubt it.

I will take some tatting to pass the time in the car I think. I guess I will also have a bit of stitching.

After Autumn harvest I will stitch... I don't know ;)

Annie, the tatted pumpkin is way too big for a brooch, I was thinking about something like sewing it on felt or something...


Voici "Autumn Harvest" en son état. Il ne sera pas fini pour Alexandra palace demain...

moman et moi prendrons la route à 6h du mat de Lille pour arriver au coeur de Londres à 10h et rentrer en France le soir même. ca c'est l'Europe !!! mais ça fatigue rien que d'y penser...

J'espère que l'expo sera sympa, je pourrais jouer à la chasse aux trésors pour trouver de la frivolité, mais je pense que ca sera peine perdue.

En attendant, moi j'en aurai dans mon sac pour le voyage en voiture, avec un peu de broderie aussi.


Annie said...

Love the colors. They really pop out.

Do you mean you would turn the tatting into a hanging of some kind by mounting it on felt?

Linda K's Stitching Corner said...

The Autumn Harvest is so cute and adorable. I love the Colors in that. You are doing a great job in stitching and also in Tatting too. My one Grandmother use to Tatt all of the time.

Take care & Happy Stitching

Bine said...

A great progress on Autumn Harvest. It is such a nice design.
Hope you had a nice trip on saturday :)

stitcherw said...

You've made lovely progress on this, what a fun design. Your earlier finishes of the tatted pumpkin and Stitching Witch were cute too. Hope you're totally over your migrane and have a good trip.

Kucki68 said...

Love the harvest progress!

Elisadusud said...

Alors? comment était l'expo? Tu as trouvé de la frivolité?