Monday 4 August 2014

Own design rubber mouse and bear

You know the drill.

phase 1 : Learn the technique. And if you get cute little characters in the process,it's even better.

phase 2 : Create your own. Of course, it's the fun part, but also you can't stop wondering if others haven't come up with the same thing just five minutes before you. It's the joy and problem of the internet :great access to loads of ideas, but it feels everything has been done already.

Anyway, I decided not to let it ruin my fun, especially when I make little creatures I will have to be a heart of stone not to let my grandma adopt some of them.

If you follow my blog since some time, you might have noticed I love little cute things. So of course my animals are minimalistic. There are also technical constraints : I would need loads of white rubber and other neutral colours, when in shops you mostly get rainbow neon colours. As one animal requires more than 50 rubber can do the math yourself.

Also, these are destined to be keyrings or charms. And you don't want anything too bulky for that. Small is better. So here I present to you.... Mini mouse and mini bear (looks a bit like an ewok too)

Voici 2 de mes petits animaux que je viens de créer avec des élastiques et un rainbow loom, une souris et un ours, qui demandent plus de 50 élastiques ! mais ils sont tout petits....

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