Tuesday 6 November 2007

Post Bonfire

The words are finished ! I kinda hate stitching words, well, I'm ok now, but there was a time when I couldn't stand them. Well, beats plain old ABC....

You can tell I'm back at work as I didn't stitch much !

I survived Bonfire night, all those fireworks really keep me on edge... and of course that makes DBF laugh.

Tracy, I can't belive they are going to change Stich and Craft to a general craft magazine ! There are already too many paper/craft magazines, it will be the end of them. And of course that happens when i start liking the new formula... Oh well, more money for me from not buying mags !

I still have to figure out how to unsubscribe from CrossStitcher, the phone system didn't work... I stopped the direct debit at the source anyway, so eventually they will figure it out by themselves.

Kris, I tried a few american magazines, and my favourite is CrossStitch and Needlework. I might subscribe to that one. As for the others... I don't really like the fact that the charts aren't in colour. When you get used to luxuries...


Leeland said...

Well, I like stitching words and letters, though I don't really know why... I know that I refuse to stitch certain words, though...
I think you're right about Stitch and Craft: not a good thing for them...
Big huge hugs, san!

Margaret said...

Well San, as you can see I've found your new site. Will change it in my sidebar once I get this written.
Love the pieces you've been stitching. Like Lili, I enjoy stitching words. I guess it's a good thing though that we all enjoy something else in this great world of stitching.
Hope you're enjoying your new home and town and that you've found pleasant co-workers.

Alison said...

Hi San, thanks for posting the suggestion about my links unfortunately I did not save the template as I created it 2 years ago! No worries, I have your link thanks and I know all the other ones anyway. Going to a super-size mall tomorrow to look for crafting things!! Will let you know if I have success. Much love Alison xxxx

Anonymous said...

Ah, I'm just like you when it comes to stitching words...Most of the time they're the only thing left in the end

And I did the some with magazines. I hated spending all this money when most of the time I liked only 1 or 2 charts. Now I prefer "investing" this money on creator's charts that I already know I will like...

Unknown said...

I like the colour of the fabric! I still subscribe to Cross Stitcher and CCS and keep 'hanging in there' so to speak, wanted to unsub often.