Wednesday 30 January 2008

Giant blob finished - on to make it something else...

Ok, so I took a picture of the cats, crosses and half stitches finished. I suspect I will have to spend as much time on the backstitching.... oh, well !

Today is migraine day, so light is painful... not good for computers or stitching or anything. Yesterday I had my first Aquacise course, and it was so much fun ! I can't believe they consider that working out? Jumping around in the water and such, it's more my idea of fun than anything !

I still love Sew and So: I ordered threads and patterns yesterday, and I got them in my mailbox today !!! Now THAT is good service.

I got the Crescent Colours threads for Curly Q Ewe (so timing was essential here, as we are starting on Friday), only 1 was missing (out of stock, not missing missing). I have to say I love those colours !!!!

And I also got Bent Creek's Spring pixie ( I had the 3 others, but I plan on stitching all for of them in the season...), Lizzi Kate's Spring stack, and Easter Sampler.


Une photo des chatons avant les points arriere...

Comme j'ai la migraine, c'est pas ideal pour computer ou broder.

J'adore toujours Sew and So, j'ai commande des trucs hier et c'est arrive aujourd'hui ! Finalement j'ai decide de broder Curly Q Ewe avec les Crescent Colours, et donc le timing etait essentiel. Il ne me manque que le vert... Ca viendra plus tard ! J'adore quand ils envoient ce qu'ils ont directement, quitte a faire plusieurs envois.. Ca c'est du service !

J'ai aussi eu Benk Creek Spring Pixie, et 2 Lizzie Kate.

Hier j'ai eu ma premiere session d'Aquagym,e t c'etait super fun ! J'arrive pas a croire qu'ils considerent ca comme du sport, sauter dans l'eau en gigottant, ce'st plutot du divertissement pour moi !


Anonymous said...

Ah zut bicquette alors pour la migraine! J'ai très mal au dos, on fait la paire! pour Curly, je me tate pour la toile, j'aime moyen celles que j'ai, je vais encore farfouiller ce soir!

Anonymous said...

Qu'est ce qu'il va etre beau !

Leeland said...

I loved aquacise too... The problem for me was that I'm tall and every woman (even small) wanted to be where the water's deep so I ended up with only water to the thighs... Ridiculous... Lol! I mean that the exercise can only be efficient when you have water up to the arms...
Well, backstitch... Yuck... You really have to love those designs to stitch them... or love the person that you aim it for... (wink).
Not much time for myself lately...
Sorry about that nasty migraine...
Take care,

nela said...

Ohh dios dejo de venir una semana y ya tienes dos cosas listas... a ver..
me encanta los lhn.. estan hermosos... ambos. la bolsa para la lampara genial y gracias por el tutorial... los gatos... ay los gatossss.. yo estoy a la espera de eso... pues una amiga ha hecho de intermedio para enviar revista...
Felicidades san todo esta hermoso.. lamento tu migraña... reposo, y que se recupere pronto.. besos