Monday 15 November 2010

Glomitts finished !

I had set a limit of Sunday to finish the glove-mittens, and I succeded !! 

I managed to make them both the same size, that was my big fear as the instructions were in measurements and not in rounds.

And of course, now I wear them, and it's good timing with the cold weather arriving here.

And I will now try another model of fingerless gloves.

There's also a picture of a reindeer I knitted, it's a pair with the snowmen... I think it looks mostly silly, and the limbs are weird,, but it's the pattern like that.


Je m'étais fixé la limite de dimanche pour finir mes mitaines-moufles, et j'ai réussi ! Et maintenant, je peux les porter sans peine car le temps refroidit ! Pourtant, je vais refaire des mitaines, sur un autre modèle.

Il y a aussi un renne du père Noel, qui était avec les bonshommes de neige, mais je lui trouve un air idiot, et les pattes sont bizarres, mais c'est le modèle qui est comme ça !


Annette said...

Great mittens, but I love the reindeer!!!

jane said...

Absolutely love the reindeer!
Where did you get the pattern?