Wednesday 7 December 2011

Christmas faire D-3

It feels like snowflakes are just appearing from my fingers.... So on one hand I don't take time to post, and on the other hand posts are packed with pictures. I've been a bit unwell, neck and head pains, the kind that leave you unable to even think. I just hope that I will feel ok next week end, because it's finally Craft fair time !!!

I read in many places that a craft apron is better than a cash box. I usually wear skirts with no pockets, so I thought this was a neat idea to keep my stuff close. First I tried to buy a regular apron. But, believe it or not, I couldn't find any in shops !!! I'm sure that in a week time I will see many and will think "finally !!!!", but it will be too late !!!

So it was sewing time ! With my sewing machine still at grandma's, I did it all by hand. I ended up with sore fingers (it's quite thick fabrics), but I think I didn't take much more time to make it. It made me think of seamstresses from a long time ago, who had to sew shirts and clothes all by hand....

Anyway, DBF doesn't understand why I made such a colourful apron (hu? blue and grey????) but I like how it turned out.

I received my order from Be Stitched. I used the Black friday discount, it paid the postage ! Only one week from the US to France, that's good service !

So I now have Clover shuttles, and I was glad to have the green and orange ones, not the pink and blue. I also had Lizbeth thread (everybody says this is the best, I had to try) and tatting books.

I finally made the Christmas tree earings, with seed beads. It's hard to get 2 the same ! And I made flakes.... They will end up as pendants. Like real snowflakes, they are all slightly different !


J'ai un peu l'impression que les flocons apparaissent de mes doigts !!! Du coup, je ne prends pas le temps de poster, et forcément, les posts ont plein de photos !!!

Le marché de Noel approche, et j'ai lu sur pas mal de site qu'il est préférable d'avoir un tablier qu'une boite à sous. Du coup, j'ai cherché dans le commerce, mais étonnamment, je n'en ai vu nulle part ! Evidemment, ça veut dire que dans une semaine j'en verrai partout, mais en attendant, j'ai décidé d'en coudre un. Avec ma machine à coudre toujours chez ma grand mère, j'ai du utiliser mes petits doigts. Ca n'a pas pris plus longtemps je pense, et j'ai juste eu un peu mal aux doigts à cause de l'épaisseur du tissu.

Même si DBF pense que c'est bariolé, je ne trouve pas. Pour moi qui porte des jupes sans poche, c'est un tablier pratique !

J'ai reçu ma commande de Be Stitched, et donc j'ai enfin mes navettes Clover. J'ai profité de la promo de Black friday, et une semaine seulement pour arriver des USA, c'est top je trouve.

J'ai enfin fait mes petits arbres pour boucles d'oreille, mais c'est dur d'avoir 2 éléments les mêmes ! Et puis bien sur les flocons, qui eux sont tous différents, comme la vraie neige !

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