Thursday 29 November 2007

Gingerbread Cottage update 1

Here is the picture of day one of Gingerbread Cottage...

I didn't stitch for that long, because I was so tired I was making mistakes upon mistakes.

If you look closely you can see the pinky bit on top of the door isn't centered, and will need to be "surgically removed".

I'm stitching this as part of a SAl, and I decided to try fabric a different colour than everybody else, so I went for cloudy pink. Think candy pink....


Anonymous said...

This is going to be SO pretty!

Leeland said...

Love your Pine Hill and the choice of pink fabric is audacious and definitely well inspired.

Susan said...

I like the look of the cottage. The pink isn't obnoxiously pink and looks good with the colors in the cottage. What count is it? It looks like something I could see. LOL!

Sachiko said...

Your chosed fabric is so lovely pink!I like it ,too!!