Friday, 16 November 2007

Post disease?

Thank you so much for all your views on comments and blogs and things... We all seem to agree on those. Apparently, what screws things a bit is the feed readers. I'm a real Bloglines afficionado, so I won't bad mouth the readers. But the statistics aren't right anymore. I mean, if you put a counter on your page, but half the people are using feed readers, you will only be aware of half the people visiting.

Is there a way to know who subscribes to your blog, or at least the number?

Yesterday was quite dramatic for me. I don't know if it's the flu vaccination or stress, but I went home with massive headache and nausea. I had to cut the daily DBF phone call short because the pain on the left side of my brain was so intense DBF talking was like a knife poking my head. I ended up sleeping from 6pm to 6am, and now I'm sort of fine, just a bit tired.

But it ment no stitching yesterday evening... Anyway I'm waiting for DMC 3865 to arrive, I hope it comes today from Sew Discounted !!!

I resubbed to The Gift of CrossStitching. Typical thing, I didn't resub because I didn't find anything interesting int he past issues, and all of the sudden... I fell in love with Cindy Valentine's sampler. Not only is it a sampler, but there is also a biscornu, and elements can be used seperatly.

So I feel imaginative again, and as the week end is arriving... an excellant combination to do stuff ;)

On a personal note... Lili, send DS to DBF or you won't have your Stitch and Craft issue... You know what I mean...


Anonymous said...

sorry to hear that you have another bad headache. Hope you are feeling better.
I try to comment on what you do, but I was a bit disorientated by the change of blog address, but I am back on track again now.
I have been reading your blog for about two years now and have it on my favourites, so that I can go straight to it each day.
I am always interested in what you have to say and love looking at your stitching. I also like to hear about your Mum and Dad and your Grandmother and or course, DBF. I have been to Lille and when you talk about going there, I can picture what it is like. I went there for the Christmas Market a couple of years ago and they had a big wheel there and lots of little stalls.
I am hoping to be able to read your blog for many years to come.

Anonymous said...

Do you think perhaps readership of you blog may bave dropped off because so many people loved your magazine reviews??

I see you have started doing them again, but it isn't easy to find.

Anonymous said...

Bonjour Angelsan,
J'ai lu ton message d'hier et celui d'aujourd'hui. J'ai pas eu le temps de te poster un commentaire. Je lis ton blog depuis longtemps maintenant et tu es dans mon blogroll. Mais le temps me manque pour laisser des commentaires.

Si tu utilises bloglines pour gérer ton blogroll, tu peux voir combien de personnes sont inscrit au blog en haut à gauche de l'affichage des nouveaux messages. Dans bloglines, je suis la seule à t'avoir dans mon blogroll.
Par contre il n'y a pas de solution pour savoir si d'autres personnes ont inscrit ton blog dans d'autres blogroll.
J'espère que tes maux de tête sont passés. profites bien de ton week end.

Leeland said...

Wow!!! You've been super-productive!!!
I will comment asap.
I'm trying to send DS to DBF but their schedules don't seem to combine fine so it's a little tricky. I think DS is a little "shy" in that situation too... I'll see what I can do...