Saturday 15 December 2007

Acorns pouch

As usual, week ends are a time when I have much to say, but apparently everybody is busy away from the net, and blogs.

I'm pleased to say that I'm done with most of my to do list.

I cleaned, but I still need to sort things out for packing and leaving a house without stitching all over.

I went food shopping, and I'm glad I don't have to look for presents anymore, as there are a lot of people everywhere !!!

I finished the little bead angels, and the "makes 24" of the box label turned into 26 !!! Youhou !

And, as the pictures are showing, I made the Acorns pouch. I didn't show much imagination here.

I love my Strawberrry patch pouch so much that I wanted a similar on. I know, some people use plastic ziplock bags for their different projects...

The Strawberry pouch being occupied by a Flower Fairies wip, I needed a new pouch for my ongoing project. There you go.

Otherwise I decided to leave my panier de brodeuse as is, things being in pouches anyway. And the sewing is done : I made a fleece protection on a bag strap where it's uncomfortable on my neck.

If you recently went to the gallery on my website, you might have noticed it was hacked by a"£%£$%£$%£$ turkish person. But it's repared now. Morality: always back up your files.

Le week end, j'ai tendance a m'etaler en paroles: quand on bosse toute la semaine, c'est souvent le week end qu'on a le temps de faire des trucs.

Comme la liste de ce matin qui est finie, a part l'empaquetage.

La boite du kit des petits anges a beau dire qu'on peut en faire 24, j'ai reussi a en faire 26, et encore j'aurais pu en faire plus si certaines pieces n'etaient pas en nombre plus juste que d'autres.

J'ai fait ma pochette avec Acorns. J'ai manque d'imagination, vu que j'ai fait une pochette proche de la pochette aux fraises que j'ai faite plus tot dans l'annee. Il faut dire que cette pochette est occupee par un Flower Fairies en cours que je compte prendre en vacances, et donc il me fallait une autre pochette pour ce que je brode au quotidien.


Becky K in OK said...

Very nice way to display your stitching. Great job.

Danielle said...

Your pouch is fantastic!! I do have a question, though. On your cushion tutorial, when you sew closed the opening where you turned the fabric right side out and stuffed it, what type of stitch did you use and what color thread? I heard something about a "slip stitch" but could not find a diagram on it. I am new to sewing. I made an ornament with light brown stitching fabric and the back was done with patterned Xmas fabric. What would have been the best color thread to sew the opening closed? Thanks, Danielle

Leeland said...

Lovely pouch, San.
Sorry about the hacker,I know how this infuriates you... I guess that's why hackers do it? I just don't get it...
We have a fine cold but sunny weather here. I hope it's the same in Stevenage.
Take care!

Sachiko said...

Very nice your work.I like Strawberry design,too.

Kucki68 said...

Love the Acorn pouch and it goes so well together.