Wednesday 19 December 2007

Corections and first mini Snowman stitched...

Lili stitched my little snowman today...

She mostly beta tested the chart, as she found many mistakes. So I had to modify and reupload the chart, and it's now here. (Picassa web album has a weird system to upload pictures, so the old link isn't valid anymore).

You can totally tell it's my first chart ;)

But of course, Lili used her own colours:
28 count parme linen
NN 155
nose 3341
hat 3799
hat band 3831
scarf 3835

I didn't stitch or crochet yesterday. We had a late Christmas lunch at work (from 2 to 4pm !!!), and I was very tired when I arrived home. Plus i did my packing...

I did stitch on Snowflakes this morning, but I of course I over packed and essentials had to be retrieved from the very full suitcase... I still think I packed DMC 355 in the bobbin box instead of keeping it with the project, but I don't care... I have that very big area of white to stitch... One of the advantages of stitching on dark fabric is that you can see white threads on it as you stitch !!!

It's all frosty out there, but no snow... so it's basically lovely...

Lili a beta teste ma grille du bonhomme de neige... Car j'ai fait plein d'oublis !!!! Donc la grille modifiee est ici. L'ancien lien ne marche plus, c'est un des aleas de Picasa.

Mais elle a quand meme utilise ses propres couleurs:
lin 28 count parme
NN 155 (mais je crois que c'est un collector retiré de la production de threadworx)
nez 3341
chapeau 3799
bande chapeau 3831
écharpe 3835

Encore une fois, j'ai pas brode hier soir: trop fatiguee apres le dejeuner de Noel tardif au pub avec les collegues (de 2 a 4h!!!) et l'enpaquetage. Par contre j'ai brode ce matin, et j'ai du revisiter la valise car j'y avais cache des objets essentiels. Et j'ai toujours le fil rouge que j'ai pas eu le courage d'aller chercher. De toute facon il y a une grande zone de blanc a faire...

Le gel a saisi la nature et c'est tres joli...


Leeland said...

Never thought I'd be a beta tester! Lol!!!
This nice chap was a lot of fun to stitch. I'll finish it using the Drawn Thread's tutorial for fobs, it'll be perfect...
Thanks a lot, San!

Susan said...

It looks great in those colors, too. Thanks for the corrections. It's on my list for January.

lewister said...

Congrats on your first chart!! Mind if I include a link to it on my Squidoo page on small cross-stitch patterns? It'll fit right in!