Wednesday 19 December 2007

Totally Snowflakes

As the title suggests...

First, update on Snowflakes from LHN. It's going slowly... but I intend on stitching it on the trip tomorrow, so I need some stuff to stitch left on the project !!!

Second, crochet snowflakes. These are quick and fun to do. These are still patterns from Crochet Central, but I'm working on my own design right now. Of course, it means a lot of do/undo and trials, but it's part of the fun.

I'm nearly all packed, and I managed to fit everything, including the gifts I thought I would need an extra bag for, in my suitcase. Dunno how I managed that...

I've put my 2007 freebie stitching in the Freebie gallery as well. You can tell I'm in waiting, and have some time to kill ;)
Comme le dit le titre... flocons de neige.

Tout d'abord, la broderie avec Snowflakes, qui n'avance pas vite car je compte bosser dessus lors de mon voyage demain, et des flocons de neige en crochet. Ces deux-la viennent de
Crochet Central, mais je bosse sur un projet perso pour le moment. comme je vais a tatons, c'est pas rapide non plus !

J'ai mis les freebies que j'ai brode cette annee dans le Freebie gallery, aussi...

Ma valise est presque prete, et j'ai reussi a caser les cadeaux aussi, alors que j'ai cru devoir prendre un sac de plus, miracle? J'attends toujours de decouvrir LE truc oublie, qui fera que tout n'entrera pas dans la valise...


Leeland said...

I love your snowflakes. Both cross stitch and crochet: they're precious and they'd look real lovely in a tree.
I'll be happy to see your snowflakes project in real... Lucky me! (beaming smile!!!).
Big huge hugs!

sammyjo said...

cool snowflakes their pretty grovy lol they would look great on a tree.

Susan said...

I like these snowflakes and look forward to seeing what you designed. Great packing job!