So I found heart shapes on the net, and started cutting and sewing.
I then crocheted the lace you see around it in pink thread. This step took all week, because it was quite a long piece of lace !!!
Note that everything is sewn by hand this time, for precise finition.
J'ai enfin fini mon coeur commence dimanche (voyez le post ici). Apres avoir coupe de la feutrine selon une forme de coeur trouvee sur internet, j'ai passe la semaine a crocheter la dentelle en fil rose. Et j'ai tout cousu a la main pour plus de precision.
I still need to choose a place where to display it in my house !
Lundi j'ai achete un cadre pour School of Needlework, avec un brun proche de ceux du projet.
Je dois encore choisir ou je vais mettre le tableau dans ma maison...
You might have noticed the banner at the top of the page inviting you to visit my newly revamped website.
In the past few days, I managed not only to add daily news, but I also decided to share my "Coup de coeur" (crush) of the day. Something that made me go "waouh" when I went through my daily surfing.
So I advice you to add the rss feed of my website so you can get all the latest infos !
I know it might be a bit confusing, it's like having 2 blogs, but the thing is I try to prepare for spam attack. If I can do without comments on neutral stuff on my website, it would be annoying to loose advantages on the blog.
In a perfect world, the web traffic wouldn't be swamped with spam, my blog and website would still be in their original place, and we would be a lot happier ;)
Petra, it's so good to see you back ! You're right about Margaret Sherry's cats: I now have a ginger and a grey blob on my fabric, and it's not really cat like ;)
Stitcherw, I guess that with practice, we recognise the cats even half finished !
As they are direct adaptations of watercolour drawings, I guess that's why the backstitching makes all the difference !
This week end, I intend to make some Valentine decorations. I've started early today by going food shopping at 8.30am, even before breakfast (which I took over there). It's such a nice change from last week: nobody there. It's amazing to think that just a few hours later the car park is so packed you need 20 min to leave it !
First, I guess I would have to clean up a bit... it's not really inspiring to have stash all over the house !!!
Et maintenant, le blabla general...
Vous avez surement remarque la banniere vous invitant a visiter mon site recemment modifie. Ce n'est pas simplement un changement de deco, j'ai aussi decide de mettre la'ctualite broderie, ainsi que les coups de coeur du jour, un truc qui m'a particulierement plu lors de mon surf quotidien.
Je vous invite a ajouter le feed de mon site a votre reader de blog. Je sais que ca peut etre confusionnant d'avoir 2 "blogs", mais je couvre mes arrieres en cas de spam qui ferait desactiver mon site.
Mes petits chats avancent, ce sont desormais 2 blobs... il faut dire que ca ne ressemblera pas a grand chose avant de faire les points arriere. Comme ce sont des adaptations directes d'aquarelles de Margaret Sherry (qui ne brode pas du tout), ca me semble normal.
Pink Canary, j'ai brode les petits chats sur aida car je trouve que le rendu sera plus "moderne", et plus comme je veux. J'aurais peut eter du prendre du 16 count, mais bon... bof.
Ce week end, je pense faire des decos de St Valentin, apres un rangement serieux. Tant de trucs de broderie dans tous les coins, ca n'inspire pas trop !!!
J'ai ete tres matinale, j'ai ete faire mon shopping a 8h30, au saut du lit, sans petit dej, que j'ai pris a la cafet du magasin. Asda fait un English breakfast pour 1 livre50... quasi rien !
Et quelle difference avec la semaine derniere: personne quasiment, alors que quelques heures apres c'est tellement bourre de monde qu'il faut 20 minutes pour sortir du parking !!!
Your Heart finish looks lovely, the lace you did really sets it off beautifully. The frame for School looks perfect too, it works with it and doesn't overwhelm it, nice pick.
I really like the heart, and the lace is sooo pretty! Yeah crocheting :-)
Lovely heart finish and what a gift to be able to make such beautiful lace...
The frame for the school of needlework is perfect.
Take care,
School of Needlework looks fantastic framed, and your valentine piece is quite a labor of love. You went to a lot of work, but the finished piece is well worth it---a one-of-a-kind. I love it!
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