Thursday 10 January 2008

The 2cm wonder

This is something I finished last Saturday, stitching it mostly at Lili's. As the tape measurer shows, the design is only 2cm square !!!! it's the second freebie "lapin", stitched over one, on 32ct green cloudy linen (from K'thylda). At this point, we have to wonder what to do with something that small...

I also made an angle picture, "3D" like DBF says, because he said it would look good and we can see the stitches better. Many French blogs already show that kind of pictures...

I am slowly stitching Cinderella. It might be in blocks, but this project is an old Mirabilia, and it's not so fast to go through it ! As a result, I don't feel a day to day progress picture would show any progress. So I will have to space those a little bit.

At the moment I find it hard to get into stitching in the evening, so I probably don't stitch as much as usual either.


Un petit projet que j'ai fait samedi dernier, en grande partie chez Lili. Ca ne fait que 2cm, en un fil sur lin 14 fils vert avec effet. C'est tellement petit qu'on se demande a quoi ca peut bien servir...

J'ai aussi fait une photo avec angle, car DBF m'a dit que je devais aussi faire ca en voyant des blogs francais, car on voyait mieux les points. Donc... j'essaye.

J'avance lentement sur Cinderella, et je ne pense pas faire de photo au jour le jour, car on ne verrait pas le progres de toute facon. Mais ca avance...


Anonymous said...

C'est vraiment super mignon! Tout en finesse, bravo! Merci pour le lien, je le ferais certainement dans qqs temps.

Anonymous said...

So pretty at only 2cm. I suppose I can stitch that one during my busy hours. Thanks for the link to the cute design.


Stitchy Princess said...

I agree with pink.canary - it's super cute!

Anonymous said...

J'y ai réfléchi : pourquoi pas une pochette à aiguilles avec le plus grand et un coussinet à ciseaux pour le plus petit? Je pense que c'est ce que je ferais. Mais tu en as peut être déjà plein!

Veronica said...

I think it's pretty cool. At first glance, I thought it was a stamp.

Kucki68 said...

Keyrings, that is what you could do with something that small. Adorable, too.

Anonymous said...

Trop mignon !