I love days like this: I'm preparing my post (re-reading comments, making pictures...) and Mr Postman rings the bell with my tatting order. tatting.co.uk is Tatting and design, and once again I got my order in something like 24h.
Basic shuttles for .50p and aero shuttles for 3 pounds, and a great book, "Tatting, artistry in thread", with so many flowers and such. Because, let's face it, tatting doilies seem a bit of another age...
Yesterday I made these 2 snowflakes. The second one is totally wrong compared to the original (it has 5 branches instead of 6 to start with !!!), but was ok int he end
Annie, I really think you should give tatting a try. I don't think speed is a major element for a craft. I know I tat slowly compared to the experts (they have video demos on You Tube, that's how I know!) I would focus on the joy of learning a new technique, and the end result you want to acheive. Plus speed comes with practice.
Seeing these videos made me realise that by just looking at the diagrams my technique was slow and inelegant. So I forced myself to do something more like in the videos, tatting extremely slowly at first, and now, I'm faster than ever before !!!
To your other question: yes, I always line my pouches and bags.As I use thin fat quarters, I think it's essential to have at least a double layer !!! basically, the pouches are 4 rectangles of fabric, with the zipper encased in them. I don't do a special lining before hand.
Voila un jour comme j'aime: je suis entrain de preparer mon post, et ma commande de frivolite (navettes, bouquin) arrive avec monsieur le facteur...
Sinon hier j'ai fait 2 flocons de neige, le deuxieme est un gros rattage par rapport au modele, (il faudrait 6 branches plutot que 5) mais j'ai reussi a faire un quelque chose quand meme.